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  • Author: SkWizZ_Saphir
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Writen by SkWizZ_Saphir (Juzâm), translation and additional notes by IKYA

The goal of this guide is to give the motivation and a base for the ones who wants to play Poseidon. Poseidon ask a lot of micro like the other greeks gods, not only in the start but also on the combat field.


First, here's 4 tips that you have to keep in mind:
1- Always have an objective when you face a civilisation (raid, rush, fh,..) that will guide your choices for the game.

2- Use auto-queue. It's a tool to help your skill and your economy, so why don't you use it? Not to use it is like not using hotkeys... Just put all the chances on your side

3- Always make your heros while reaching classical or at the end of archaic age (to fight the free MU)

4- Try to always send your centaur in the ennemy base. You can easyly destabilize your opponent or kill 1-2 villagers

Actually, On Titans the classical age seems to be reached faster if you look at norses or atlanteans but also with greeks. We can assist at very long classicals fights while both civs are booming


Here's different starts and BO of different maps depending against witch civ you play and some tips. Also some recorded games will follow.

· Against Loki and Kronos 

6 villagers on food. Research hunting dogs asap. Use lure near the granary.
4 villagers on wood with a lumber camp
4 villagers on gold (you have to build a house before building the mining camp)
research pinaxe asap.
Next villagers go on food. When you can build it, put 2 villagers to build the temple.
Make your hero at the end of archaic age, you should reach classical around 4:30-5:00. Upgrade hand axe between archaic age and classical age and move a villager from the food to the wood. Most of the times, your opponent already have reached classical age if he wants to rush you. 

Immediatly after you reach classical age, build 2 stables and 1 archery to slow the access to your gold mine. Use your centaur and you hero to kill the ennemy free mu. Pump from all your buildings but don't forget to micro your army! don't try to fight big myth units with your army without using your hero and try to always aim a unit with the appropriate counter unit. You can use shift+clcik multiple units if you are'nt fast enough 

Vs Norses, Atlanteans, Egypt and Greeks (when a rush is not expected) 

7 Villagers on food using hunting dogs and put lure near your town center. You can create 2 groups of hunters. That's a very good strategy. You will have less bumping with your villagers and you will not being caught with 390 food having to move all your hunters to another spot waiting for you 10 food or make another villager (50 food) and delay your classical age even more. It's a "safe" start.

4 Villagers on wood with a lumber camp
4 villagers on gold (again, you have to build a house before building the mining camp), research pinaxe asap.
add one villager on food
next 2 villagers build the temple
next villager go build another lumber camp, research classical age (you should have enough ressources)
Research hand axe between archaïc and classical age.
Build 2 houses near your "hot spots" 
After reaching classical age, pump villagers on your gold. Make 3 stables and and pump non stop on those 3 buildings. Depending on ennemys units make 1 or 2 archerys to counter them. Create units on all buildings you can. Try to raid your opponent as soon as you can, even if you have to expose your base. With some experience, you will learn to adapt you according to your opponent's strategy.

Against Oranos most of the time you will have to counter the early raiding and secure the "hot spots"

Against Isis (or egypt FH). Put 4 stables and pump non stop. Try to put a lot of pressure and try to destroy towers and raid all exposed spots/camps. Watch carefully everywhere he can hide (2nd gold pile, hunting spot,..). Use your wood to make the tower upgrade and try to make your 2 heros. Most of the time against a FH, everything is based on the map control. Try to raid him enough and try to prevent him to build his Midgold.

Of course after the Fh he can try a fast Titan. After he started the gate he have already ~2 rax to make some spearmans and enough gold to make some mercs. With poseidon the only thing that works sometimes is to send 30 vills in his base with all your army, you have more upgrades and your eco is better. Most of the time it fails but it's almost the only thing you can try.


8 villagers on food and research husbandry. Use lure near your town center. Again, you can create 2 groups of hunters.
4 on wood with a lumber camp
4 villagers on gold (again, you have to build a house before building the mining camp), research pinaxe asap.
add one villager on food
1 villager build temple
1 villager on food
1 villager building a 2nd lumber camp, research classical age
again hand axe while upping, make 2 houses near a hot spot. This time try to focus more on wood and try to make some farms even if you still have sheeps/pigs to eat. That will prevent being out of food after that you have gathered all your food. Try to capture an ennemy tc (using cf if needed). Poseidon hippikons don't cost a lot of food but all his counters cost a lot of food. That will give you an advantage on your opponent in early game on that kind of map.


3 first villagers on nearest tree. Send the cows near the town center. wait while the 3 first villagers drop 1 time and send then to cows. Use lure near the town center. 1 villager go build a dok and one house and he will go on food after that (suggestion: Try to scout the villagers path before building the dok) . Make fishing boats. 

6 villagers on wood. Try to alternate villagers on food and wood because you will be out of food (idle tc)

You put 17th villagers on food then

Build your temple and a house with 1 villager

Put next villagers on gold, you should reach classical age around 4:50 - 5:00. While upping, stop making boats. Move some villagers from food to wood and build a 2nd lumber camp. Also put around 6 villagers on gold. Do the pinaxe and hand axe upgrade. Build a 2nd dok. when you reach classical age make triremes if your opponent is fishing on the same side.

3 first villagers on nearest tree. Send the pigs/sheep near the town center. wait while the 3 first villagers drop 1 time and send them to pigs/sheeps. Use lure near the town center. 1 villager go build a dok and one house and he will go on food after that. Make fishing boats. 

6 villagers on wood. Try to alternate villagers on food and wood because you will be out of food (idle tc)

You put to 17th villagers on food then

Build your temple and a house with 1 villager

Put all next villagers on gold, you should reach classical around 4:40 - 5:00. Move villagers from food to wood with a 2nd lumber camp and stop making fishing boats., put 5 villagers on gold. Upgrade pinaxe and hand axe. Build 2 more doks. when you reach classical age try to put 2 times more villagers on wood than gold. When you have wood excess, build 2 stables and make 5-6 hippikons to raid. You still have a good eco even if you lose water so a Titan can save your ass if you lose the sea.

If you face a kronos or a loki rush, this time make less trireme and save some wood to make 2 stables and 1-2 archerys. Most of the time if you can counter the rush, the victory is yours, so try to up your towers if you can. move your eco behind the fight (on the other side) and try to micro your toxodes the best as you can. Finally, engage ennemy army when you feel you can win the fight not before. 


That's the same build order as highland

Your military goal is to get the control of the center of the map, the 2 center settlements and the gold mines. try to forward your buildings if you can, that's the key.


3 first villagers on nearest tree. Send the cow(s) near the town center. wait while the 3 first villagers drop 1 time and send them to cow(s). Use lure near the town center asap. 1 villager go build a dok and one house and he will go on food after that. Make fishing boats. 

6 villagers on wood

after 17th villager on food, build temple with 1 villager and 1 house.

send the next villagers on gold. You will reach classical near the 5 mins mark. When you are researching classical age, move 3 or 4 villagers from food to another lumber camp. Like the other water maps, put 5 villagers on gold. Upgrade pinaxe and hand axe

When you reach classical make 3-4 triremes and send them to your ennemy fishing spots (remember that Poseidon have a free water scout). Make 3 stables and make hippikons non-stop. Raid your opponent on water and sea.

I hope that will help you to have a better start for an aggressive Poseidon game biggrin.gif