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  • Author: KS_Josey_Wales
  • -2 Votes:


Ok so I made this little scenario to teach people exactly how undermine works, apperently it's changed since the start of AoM in a couple of ways, I knew it did less damage to TC's but on top of that there is a limit to how much total damage can be done by undermine.

How the scenario works:

It's pretty simple as you can see I've set towers up everywhere and lighthouses so that you can see the whole map (not sure how to reveal it all hehe). As well I put a few berry bushes on the map to show you where you should put your cursor to get the desired results. On the left side of the map you'll see two rows of towers/berries. The one that is highest on the map just simply click undermine where the berry bush is and observe how many towers it kills. The one on the bottom do the same thing, underimine is always moving so long as it's not killing something so the more towers there are the less distance it can actually travel, as you can see the test with only towers at both ends is about 2 towers further than the other one. As well this test shows you the width that the undermine actually works under, you should see all 5 towers drop on the bottom test.

In the middle of the map I also set up another area where there are a tonne of towers, this one shows that there is a limit to how much damage can be done during undermine, which is approximately 6050 (11 towers killed at 550 hp each). It likewise can show you how wide the path of undermine is.

Try undermine a few times you'll see that the green dots don't do anything as far as aiming the GP are concerned, just fire away and it should work every time.

I also set up two triggers which give tower upgrades to the second player, these triggers are not active to start with, if you wish to turn them on you need to go to the scenario editor, go to the triggers area and make trigger 1 and 2 active (or 2 and 3 can't remember which they are but you'll be able to figure it out I'm sure). After putting both of the triggers on you'll see even less towers get destroyed because the maximum damage dealt is reached a lot earlier.

To install:

Copy the uploaded file to your scenario folder which is located in the same place as your savegame folder c:documents and settings\user name\my games\aom\scenario, then go to the single player mode and click on load scenario, find this scenario in your list and play away.

Any questions? I didn't actually explain how the undermine works, or how to aim it but by playing around with it and following my suggestions you should be able to figure it out, which I've found that by just explaining doesn't get the message through to most people as it's not an easy thing to explain without a bunch of drawings.